Since 2016, Bokdagar in Dalsland has hosted twenty writers in residence in our Nordic Literature House in Åmål, Sweden. Most often they have worked here for a month. We have had authors from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands, but we have also been visited by authors from Lithuania and Belarus.
The number of published books written during a residence is almost as many as the number of authors we have had as guests. The vast majority of the books are in our reference library in our Literature House.
In autumn 2022, we received our first writer-in-residence in collaboration with Kroppefjäll B&B in a specially designed writer’s room at Kroppefjäll. In connection with the writers-in-residence’s visit to us, almost everyone has appeared publicly to talk about their writing, their experiences of Dalsland, and what they worked on during their residency stays.
Who can come?
As of 2023, our regular residency work is on hiatus. We are working to try to host a writer this fall who, due to war and persecution, is in urgent need of a residency via the Swedish Artist Residence Network, SWAN.
Are you a writer in urgent need of a residency due to war and persecution?
Apply via SWAN for a place with us.

Do you want to know more about being a writer-in-residence with us?
As of 2023, our regular residency work is on hiatus, but feel free to reach out. We are always interested in building our network of authors, who are interested in coming to Sweden as a writer in residence.
Get in touch with Victor Estby.
Victor Estby
070-347 61 74